What does a typical day in Academy look like?

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There is no typical day in LD Academy. We try to balance establishing a routine with keeping things fresh and new.

During our volunteering and class weeks, the weekdays tend to follow a general outline. After making your own breakfast in our stocked kitchen, some mornings are spent in class (Spanish and a social justice topic), while others are spent volunteering with a local organization. After a lunch prepared by our staff, you will usually head out in groups of 2 or 3 to volunteer. Supper may be a Mexican cooking class, spent with a host family or prepared by members of your own group – so bring some of your favourite recipes. Evenings may be spent playing games, hanging out around a campfire, doing assigned reading, catching up with people back home or however else you choose to spend your downtime. Saturdays are generally for exploring the beauty of the Baja as a group – perhaps going to the beach, checking out a local flea market, hiking an extinct volcano, or exploring the pine forests in the mountains. Sundays are days off in which you can rest and/or see where your feet and the public bus may take you.