How can I contact my family during a Live Different Build?

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  • How can I contact my family during a Live Different Build?

Staying connected is easy! 

Prior to departure we will provide you with emergency contact information that loved ones back home can use if they need to get in touch with you. Our staff leading your Build will also have cell phones with data plans so if you really need to get in touch with someone at home, we can help you do that.  

If you’re looking to be able to message, call and keep up with social media during quieter times, there will be access to wifi at the accommodations in each country (if there is an additional cost, we will let you know prior to your departure). Some volunteers choose to add a “roam like home” package on their cell phones prior to leaving. If this is of interest, please contact your cell service provider to see if they have a plan that’s right for you and the destination you are travelling to.