Vicki Drohan

Coordinator of School & Community Programs

Vicki came to LiveDifferent after many years in the media industry. With a passion for helping others, and the drive to make a difference in the lives of those around her, LiveDifferent was the perfect place to start her next journey in her career.

What do you love about what you do?
I love working with schools and making personal connections through conversations. Hearing the feedback and the difference our organization has made in schools is both rewarding and inspiring.
What would an ideal free day look like for you?
Sleeping in, then spending the day outside on a beach with my littles, reading my favourite book. That, or cozying up by our fireplace in my comfies watching football!
What is the best Halloween custom you have had?
I absolutely love Halloween, I like to self-proclaim as the Halloween Queen (second to Jamie Lee Curtis, of course). One year, I went as a box of popcorn. I created it out of a cardboard box, so it was super hard to move around in. The top was real popcorn I glued on a hat…people kept eating the popcorn off the top, which was stale and glued-filled, so it was a great costume, but definitely not practical!

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