Michelle Guillaume

Manager of Operations, Haiti

Coming to LiveDifferent with a strong background in organizational and human development, Michelle will be reinforcing the collaboration we have with our partners and the communities serve in Cap-Haïtien. She will also help with the development and implementation of all programming that will take place at the Freedom Village.

What do you love about what you do?
I love making things better by incorporating a tiny new idea or way of doing things.
If you had to choose one meal to have for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Creole lobster, Haitian black rice and avocado salad.
It’s karaoke night and you have no choice but to perform. What song would you choose and why?
I Will Survive—because I so need to survive that karaoke moment.

There are many ways to bring change—joining our team is one of them!

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