Elias Legaria

Program Assistant, Mexico

Elias is in charge of leading our Build teams during house Build projects, he is our foreman, contractor, teacher and guide for everything construction down in Mexico. Elias also helps to maintain the LiveDifferent Guest House property, he is Mr. Fix-it – we don’t know what we would do without him.

What do you love about what you do?
I love to see the faces of the families on celebration day, and their reactions. Also, that first day when we go and pour the cement pad for a new home, we see the empty lots, or the previous homes of the families, we can see the purpose for our work and why we are here.
If you had to choose one meal to have for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Birria, it is my favourite food. It is a type of beef soup, with vegetables—and you can eat it as a soup, or you can eat just the meat on tacos.
What is something you’ve been meaning to try (and why), but haven’t gotten around to it?
I would like to fly on an airplane because I would like to try something new that I’ve never done before. For my first trip, I would like to go to La Paz, Mexico City, or Oaxaca to see a new part of Mexico.

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