Amberley Fischer

Staff Accountant

Working alongside Derek (our CFO) Amberley plays a key role in supporting the day-to-day operations of the organization.

What do you love about what you do?
I love providing the structure and systems that help an organization thrive. I’ve seen too many great organizations crumble—not because of a lack of vision but because of poor systems. I feel like I can help fill that gap.
What would an ideal free day look like for you?
The morning is spent reading or gardening, then lunch with friends on a great patio somewhere.
It’s karaoke night and you have no choice but to perform. What song would you choose and why?
Alone – by Heart. It’s just such a fun one to belt. Also, who has to be convinced to sing at a karaoke night?

There are many ways to bring change—joining our team is one of them!

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